New paintings, reading, and orchestration of lament
Amos Oaks
Friday, February 21, 2020
Temple-Pittman House
Knoxville, Tennessee
Amos Oaks
Friday, February 21, 2020
Temple-Pittman House
Knoxville, Tennessee
True to form, I did not document the images or the performance. These are phone captures taken of 8 of the 14 paintings. If I am able to track them down, I'll post more later. If any individuals took video, I'll also post that later. I will be recording a studio version of this performance along with 13 other poems I wrote between 2017 and 2019 titled "The Cicada Verses".
A typeset hand-printed copy of the poem "Cicada" (created at Striped Light in Knoxville, Tennessee)is available for $30. Please contact me to purchase.